Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Election Day and I did survive!

Well it was quite a day and now that the frustration is gone, I can look at everything in a much lighter way.

First, let me say that the election system in this country is deeply flawed. If there could be a central election database and main source of information for procedures, we as Canadians would be less frustrated with the process. Also, the cost of running elections could be reduced significantly and the money used for more worth while causes. However, we follow the American method of bureaucracy and ‘money creasing palms’ so the possibility of things improving in this area are pretty remote.

Second, and I’ve said this before, when I hit the ‘eighties’ I will not be forgetful, hard of hearing or nearly blind – I just won’t. It will not happen. And yah – good luck with that!

Now to the day. Let me try to summarize:

The average age of the voters at our poll was 80 – and that included many young people.

One lady forgot her identification so went back to her apartment to get some. She came back 15 minutes later and when I asked her for her ID she said ‘oh that’s why I went upstairs’. I let her read the oath and then vote.

Several people forgot how to mark the ballot between the time I explained it to them and when they reached the voting station.

One lady forgot her hearing aids – several others needed them.

A few people couldn’t see well but still managed to vote using some of the most interesting methods.

At least 6 people walked out after calling me all kinds of names – many with 4 letters – because I asked them for identification. Apparently they never had to show identification before – hmmmm.

Several people insisted that a Canadian passport is the all a person needs for voting identification – well maybe that’s true in the country they come from but it isn’t in this country.

So all in all, the Remy I had when it got home helped. Also the Tim Horton’s coffee one of the tenants brought us helped too - I guess we weren’t always ‘@#$(‘ people.

And Amy, the girl working with me was pretty nice. We worked well together and that helped to smooth out the ruffles of the day.

Will I do it again. Oh probably – I need the money.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I lost my Queenie today. She passed away very peacefully while sleeping in her favourite place - the balcony. The day has been long and I still get very weepy when I think of her. Cassie is just mopping around - she knows Queenie won't be coming back.
It will be awhile before I get over this but she will always be fondly remembered.

Monday, October 09, 2006

I have a blog now......

I have a blog - now this may be a good thing or it may be a bad thing - depending on whether you agree with me or not. But it's here and I'm going to be using it. So you can check in every once in awhile and add your two cents worth and we'll all see how it goes.

Coming soon!

This is where you can find out what is going on in the world of Diana Henderson.